Picture your life...your home, your work, your things, your friends, your family, your marriage, your children, etc.
Now picture your life as a tree. Each branch representing that whole life...each leaf representing all the shared moments with all those people, all those things. Each leaf being the connections you have that tie your whole world together, they tell the story of your existence, of your hopes and of your dreams. Of your past, your present and your future. They speak of the secrets you have shared with no one other than your One. They are the meaning of your life.
Now picture this tree being put through a chipper while you watch all the little tiny pieces fly all around, landing with no rhyme or reason. No special care for this as your life, your loves, your whole world. And when the dust settles you are numb, out of body, bereft...and now you are told you must gather all those little teeny tiny pieces and you must put them all back together as they were, you will do this without direction, and alone, because the one who was your glue turned to dust. You must do this now, you must start immediately, you must toil through your pain and tears and screams, you must do this for everyone's sake because they are watching and waiting.
...this is the story of my life, this is the story of my tree. It is the story of my days, my nights, and my every minute. It is painstaking work performed by hands that are all thumbs and just when I feel I have gathered some pieces and can begin to put them together the wind will blow and scatter everything putting me back to the beginning. I trip and I fall and I wail from the sheer exhaustion of the task ahead of me. But I get up and I try again. How I put this tree back together will be my legacy. It is so very important that I get this right. It is daunting to say the least but I know that all who matter most are watching and waiting. This I must not fail to do.
Love to you my friend, my heart send you a gentle embrace and positive energy as you continue to navigate this most difficult of journeys, alone in a way that so few of us can appreciate, let alone really be able to relate to. Beautiful writing, wonderful expression of feelings and experiences that are so profoundly personal, so profoundly yours alone. I love you and hope to see you soon!