In spite of it all and because of it all I am thankful.
I'm thankful for this roof over my head and the heat rising up from the radiators.
I am thankful for the clothes on my back and the running water that keeps them clean.
I am thankful for my pets who I love and love me in return.
I am thankful for my daughter who I worry about relentlessly and I'm thankful she is here to worry about. I'm thankful for the smile on her face that wipes the worry away if only for a moment.
I'm thankful for the friends I call family and the moments they choose to spend with me. And I'm thankful for the friends that I don't see or hear from often, I still hold them dear.
I'm thankful for the food inside of my fridge when so many go without.
I am thankful too for who I am, I'm good and kind and giving when so many are not and there but for the grace of God...
So you see, in spite of the pain and sadness inside my heart I am so very thankful for all that I have been given.
Happy Thanksgiving my David. Happy Thanksgiving dear Evelyn. And Happy Thanksgiving Mrs. C, I hope you are safe and sound and in good company.