David's Page
Good morning baby...struggling...I don't think I am ever going to get over this. I miss your face so desperately.
Oh my sweet, beautiful husband, where do I begin? I found the pictures on your camera...52 of them, only 2 of which are of you. I have cried so long and so hard that I feel as though I am floating above myself and am looking down at the poor pitiful broken mess that is me. My heart aches for you at the same time it screams in agony because you aren't coming back. I keep saying I love you, but it's not enough. Thank you so very very much for leaving me with the perfect pictures that remind me of the fun we had. I love you darling man.
Eve's Page
I had a dream...you were not there but your family was...I don't recall the details but I see your mother and a hallway with doors...
I have no words my sister...but I do have the pictures and I'm so very thankful for that, and the memories of our talks that day. You will always hold a very special place in my heart. I love you very much.
My page
I hope my girls are okay...I know the pictures hurt, and for that I am sorry. xoxo
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